The author of this thesis tempt from the analysis of the concept of the portrait and the portraiture right and combine these with the general theories of the civil law and copyright law to set out a conclusion that the actor as one part of the public , what ever in life or in the works of film and tv possesses the portraiture right , and should get the same judicatory protection as other people . this thesis is divided into four parts totally . the first part , the concept of personality , personality right and the concept of portrait and portraiture right , the purpose and significance of the judicial protection on portraiture right 为此,本文从影视表演艺术理论出发,论述了演员在影视作品中所处的不可替代的重要地位,并从演员在影视作品中的角色与自身、人格权与身份权的关系论述了演员角色不能覆盖其自身,演员在影视作品中虽然没有身份权,但仍享有人格权,为此,只要演员在影视作品中是以本来面目面对观众,符合肖像的法律特征,就享有肖像权。